

人気タグ⇒ VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 STG 実況プレイ動画 ポケモン 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 OP 進撃の巨人 鉄道 おっさんホイホイ SFC 

ジェット機のファンは充電器で逮捕 1/17/10

Jets Fans arrested at the Jets vs Chargers game for chanting Jets. Guy gets arrested early in the 3rd Quarter before they even started winning. I was surprised as everyone else in the video that he was taken away. This guy was obnoxious but didn't deserve to be arrested. In fact moments before this this woman in a wheelchair asked him to come down and she slapped him in the face and said shut the F*** up. He did nothing and just walked back to his seat with his wife. This may have premeditated the police to come down in the first place. So i guess insult to injury...slapped in the face and yanked before he saw his team come back and win.From http://www.youtube.com/user/thiruvil

投稿日:2010-03-23 03:48:55
PV:262  コメ:2  マイリス:0

スポーツ Jets Chargers 蹴球 警察 minnesota