

人気タグ⇒ 鏡音レン EXVSFB カラオケ RPG MHP3 ガンダム BO2 三国志大戦3 フィギュアスケート novelsm@ster 

The westerners are no deferent than their ancestor HITLER

Who does not know about HITLER? The most disgusting living being [ not human ] who believe his race which are the western race as the superior race who believe any other race must bow down and look up to its western race.Its predecessors which are the westerners who live at the present are no deferent than it. There are many evidences such as when the westerners said we Asians want to be like them when we Asians :1. Doing eye surgery while we Asians did it with the reason to have better eye sight, not to be like those racist westerners.3. Claiming us Asians of making our Anime characters based on their hideously masculine westerners facial & body form while in reality we Asians the one who look better cosplaying our Anime characters which showed and proved we Asians make our Anime characters based on our own Asians facial & body form, not based on those hideously masculine racist westerners facial & body form.

投稿日:2010-06-17 21:53:41
PV:65  コメ:9  マイリス:0

I Hate western Cosplay Cosplayer