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[rk10][27S05] Truth and Consequences: Handling Ruby 1.9 Encodings in Rails

Truth and Consequences: Handling Ruby 1.9 Encodings in RailsYehuda Katz (Engine Yard)Ruby 1.9 adds support for many different encodings, making it possible to write Ruby web programs that can handle non-English characters well. However, these changes have had many consequences. At the beginning, the new encoding support has introduced much confusion in simple, English-only Rails applications and applications relying heavily on Unicode. Yehuda will explain the common problems caused by the changes, talk about what Rails has done to eliminate many of them, and what the Ruby community can do to make writing internationalized programs easier.

投稿日:2010-08-27 23:53:16
PV:79  コメ:1  マイリス:1

Ruby RubyKaigi2010 Rails