

人気タグ⇒ 麻雀 K-POP ミクオリジナル曲 科学 スポーツ 遊戯王 パチスロ 東方 エンターテイメント その他 

【UTAU】Mrs. Matryoshka's INSANE Dream【桃音モモ・魔法雪Re:ACT 3】

Made for UTAU白組2010. Sorry, I do not speak Japanese. D: (Google Translate butchers everything so I'm not using that.) I made a mashup for the event, yes. I wanted something that was more than: *grab UST, plug into UTAU, render, mix, done* And believe me, it was harder than that... I had to lower the pitch for the chorus and raise it for the verse, so making this mashup using the original acapella wouldn't be very smart... Al info you might want to know is in the video. If I forgot something, please forgive me! D:

投稿日:2010-12-14 09:30:55
PV:278  コメ:10  マイリス:7

紅白UTA合戦2010 UTAU白組2010 魔法雪 魔法雪Re:ACT3 桃音モモ マトリョシカ VOCAMASH UTAMASH Mrs.Pumpkinの滑稽な夢 Матрёшкаョ