ニコニコ生放送用、AMV補完edit:weMULTIPLYgaspmusic:A A A/Dream After Dreamvision:Angel BeatsB a k e m o n o g a t a r iBLACK★ROCK SHOOTERClannadCode Geass - Lelouch of the RebellionCode Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2Death NoteEf - a tale of melodiesEf - a tale of memoriesEf - The Latter Tale (Game)Macross FrontierNarutoNaruto ShippūdenRosario + VampireRosario + Vampire Capu2Sailor MoonSora no OtoshimonoSora no Otoshimono Forteaddress:http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_videoinfo.php?v=179989