

人気タグ⇒ ひぐらしのなく頃に 遊戯王 鏡音レン 縛りプレイ 女性実況 MUGENストーリー GUMI K-POP もっと評価されるべき 実況プレイ動画 

Take Off is Now! - おちゃめ機能 // AmaiTsuki - Stage Four [@ChibiJE 2010/Paris]

Amaitsuki on Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/amaitsukilandThis is Amai Tsuki's Fourth live stage performance ! It took place during 2010's halloween's week end, at Paris - Chibi Japan Expo ! Amai Tsuki got the chance to perform on TR4KSPPA's stage once again and decided to perform Buono!'s Lady Panther, and Ochame Kinou. Willing to make a different intro, we chose to use Take Off is Now's live introduction !We hope you'll enjoy it !

投稿日:2011-03-17 10:00:29
PV:348  コメ:5  マイリス:0

おちゃめ機能 Take_Off_is_Now! モーニング娘。 れでぃぱんさぁ Buono! パリ ニコニコ国際交流 ハロプロ