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Steven Lim - 公式津波の歌

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki2GHBas_1A This song is specially written, composed and performed by Singapore singer, Steven Lim to describe the people being helpless to the cruelty and harshness of sudden Natural disasters like Earthquakes and Tsunami. Steven Lim was very sad about the news and sincerely prays that the Japanese can recover first from the wounds and its economy. Not only human lives were lost. Many pets are killed too as mentioned doggie in the song! He is also very concerned about the nuclear reactor hidden international danger.

投稿日:2011-03-19 14:13:36
PV:69  コメ:2  マイリス:0

音楽 東北地方太平洋沖地震 シンガポール Steven_Lim 不謹慎