

人気タグ⇒ その他 天海春香 MMD 三国志大戦3 beatmania ニコニコ技術部 青鬼 音ゲー MHP2G プレイ動画 


youtubeから 元動画のURL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxH67-sz3cc 原題: 다케시마/독도 시리즈 6 "한국에는 독도를 그린 고지도 한 장도없는" 投稿者: WondrousJapanForever さん | 作成日: 2010/05/09 Mr. Gerry Beaver, an American teacher, who has been studying this territorial dispute in South Korea wrote in his blog, (http://dokdo-or-takeshima.blogspot.com/) as follows,"In Korea, if a map shows two islands in the Sea of Japan, Koreans seem to automatically claim that one of them is Dokdo, no matter where the island is located, what shape it is, or what name it is labeled. That is evidence of very good brainwashing." Japanese translation:sm14302220 English translation:sm14302567

投稿日:2011-04-30 03:26:07
PV:199  コメ:10  マイリス:4

政治 竹島 韓国 于山島 不法占拠 武力奪還 不逞鮮人 泥棒国家 日韓国交断絶