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【UTAU+PV】ココロカラ ~Sweet Mix~ 【Schyler Verna】

For my 200 subs on YouTube!I wanted to make a special video for it so here it is ;u;Sorry the quality isn't as good as all my other videos but it's because it wouldn't save if the quality was any higher orz. It's still hd though eue I hope you all like it!Ust: OkitaLeanUTAU: Schyler. She belongs to me :U

投稿日:2011-05-09 21:34:54
PV:125  コメ:4  マイリス:0

VOCALOID UTAU Schyler_Verna ココロカラ UTAU-PV UTAU海外組 VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 monaca ~Sweet_Mix~ PV