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【氷音クリス3】chaining intention【UTAUカバー】

■ ごめんなさい。日本語を話しません。"orz ■ I haven't uploaded anything in awhile... sorry if you guys thought i just dropped him off here then took off a year ago. I have been working with Koorine Kurisu on youtube along with Koorine Sabii and other "120loid" voicebanks.■ 氷音クリスACT3 DL http://adf.ly/2tYWI■ UST:LupinAKAFlashTH ■ 120loid Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/120loid■ HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ilfnCH8pzI■ art: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=19293058

投稿日:2011-06-03 14:33:07
PV:150  コメ:3  マイリス:4

音楽 UTAU chaining intention 氷音クリス