

人気タグ⇒ RPG Ib サムネホイホイ アーマードコア ニコ生 セガ 高画質 バイク GUMI VOCALOID 

なんて淫らなシーケンサーだ - Speedy Torane [虎音スピーディ]

I wanted to make him sing since I saw this video on Nico:sm14889979It's another tiger UTAU! Yay!So I got the vsq and made Speedy sing it. I had to work with pitches, and I'm happy I got them right! x3And yeah, I know the song says something about "pantsu", and I don't know what it is. But the song is so catchy, I had to make it! xDAlso, if you want Speedy VCV VB, you can get it here:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1XA3RRM7Enjoy! I don't own the vsq for the song. The tiger at the beggining is from the Visual Novel Fate/Stay Night by Type Moon. And the drawing of Speedy was made by alchemy205 on FurAffinity.

投稿日:2011-07-04 06:00:48
PV:270  コメ:5  マイリス:5

utau なんて淫らなシーケンサーだ 連続音 UTAU獣人リンク Speedy_Torane 虎音スピーディ UTAU海外組 VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲