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向井・野田両少尉 処刑前の辞世の句

Army officer Mukai and Noda wrote the very impressive death phrases before execution in China of 1948.I strongly believe their innocence!!---------------The movie "The Truth of Nanking" will soon be released by "Channel-SAKURA" broadcasting station in Japan.チャンネル桜による映画「南京の真実」!!*是非ご協力をhttp://www.nankinnoshinjitsu.com/

投稿日:2007-11-12 23:55:34
PV:2111  コメ:121  マイリス:24

政治 チャンネル桜 南京事件 向井少尉 野田少尉 中国万歳 日本万歳 二度と両国が戦わんことを祈る