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【UTAUカバー】Bitter-Edge【神霊 Append COLD】

so, i'm try for use Kamirei's append cold here uvui love her act.3 better for kind of song like this lol xDDD /slappedbut i want to try for use it uvu;;but she still sounds good rite??lol for informationshe only sounds good on g4 (flag)Original by Kagamine RinMusic/Words by 雷鳴PUST by someone and it's not me and not masao-san too uvu

投稿日:2011-10-10 22:35:01
PV:47  コメ:1  マイリス:1

歌ってみた 投稿者コメント UTAU UTAUカバー Bitter-Edge 神霊 UTAU海外組 神霊(UTAU)