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OpenGEM 5
# Youtubeより転載#Here's a quick demo of OpenGEM 5. GEM (Graphical Environment Manager) was originally introduced in 1984 right after Apple had introduced the Macintosh. It looked and worked very similar to System Software 1.x, except for the fact that it was simply a GUI for MS-DOS. Apple threatened to sue, and they had to totally change the UI. This is what it looked like BEFORE they had to change it. OpenGEM is basically the original GEM for free. It's actually still being maintaned. This is OpenGEM 5 under VMWare. Sorry for the speed. I chose the option to remove frames where nothing occurs to save space. Here's what's demoed in order:# 省略#If you want to try it out, you can download OpenGEM for free here:
http://gem.shaneland.co.uk/downloads/complete/OPENGEM5.zip# 省略
投稿日:2011-12-10 15:42:04
PC OS DR-DOS CP/M GEM コンピュータ 科学