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[ のみとりのうた ] ~ arranged and performed by katethegreat19

This is my arrangement of Escaflowne's "Bird Song" (composed by Yoko Kanno). For instruments I played the Finnish kantele, kalimba, sopranino recorder, djimbe, tambourine, and frame drum. All vocals were performed by me. Thank you so much for listening! @.@ I love Escaflowne! It will always be one of my favorite animes!!

投稿日:2011-12-16 11:42:16
PV:2139  コメ:21  マイリス:60

音楽 のみとりのうた katethegreat19 Erutan Escaflowne 天空のエスカフローネ 菅野よう子 エスカフローネ 歌ってみた 海外から歌ってみた