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【CoD:Elite】Content Season 2012 Kick-Off - Behind the Scenes【CoD:MW3】

公式から転載。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaQdKJ2LMNICoD:Elite公式ツイッターWatch all-new gameplay from two new MW3 maps coming Jan 24 for ELITE Xbox 360 Premium members. Have you joined up yet?https://twitter.com/CallOfDutyElite/status/156807590565773313Xbox公式ツイッターGo behind the scenes to see the #CallofDuty MW3 (M17) season, coming 1st to XboxLIVE for CODElite Premium members!https://twitter.com/Xbox/status/156806559970754560

投稿日:2012-01-11 03:52:17
PV:573  コメ:3  マイリス:4

ゲーム CoD:MW3 MW3 CoD:Elite Xbox360