

人気タグ⇒ 麻雀 マリオ RPGツクール ミクオリジナル曲 ニコニコカラオケDB 戦国大戦 腹筋崩壊 PS3 ホラーゲーム 

【作業用BGM】The Fall Of Troyメドレー

1.The Circus That Has Brought Us Back To These Nights (Yo Chocula) (from S.T)2.Reassurance Rests in the Sea (from S.T)3.I Just Got This Symphony Goin' (from Doppelgänger)4.F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X (from Doppelgänger)5.Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles (from Doppelgänger)6.Whacko Jacko Steals the Elephant Man's Bones (from Doppelgänger)7.The Dark Trail (from Manipulator)8.Semi-Fiction (from Manipulator)9.Ex-Creations (from Manipulator)10.Chapter V: The Walls Bled Lust (from Phantom On the Horizon)11.Straight-Jacket Keelhauled (from In the Unlikely Event)12.Battleship Graveyard (from In the Unlikely Event)13.Nobody's Perfect (from In the Unlikely Event)mylist/27070875

投稿日:2012-01-19 10:29:44
PV:1287  コメ:13  マイリス:89

音楽 作業用BGM スクリーモ エモ プログレッシブロック ポストハードコア The_Fall_Of_Troy カオティックコア