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【Let's "jikkyo" Ao-Oni with a non-Japanese foreigner】

Hi, guys. I'm Rabi.I'll play Ao-Oni this time.As my friend told me, it was a fucking shit game【Jikkyo, popular on Niconico Douga, are movies in which a player plays through a game while talking to the viewer or to a friend.  They vary from giving hints to complete game walk-through guides to just daily conversations about nothing in particular.  Similar to the "Let's Plays" you might be familiar with on Youtube】

投稿日:2012-02-05 23:24:04
PV:37225  コメ:685  マイリス:401

ゲーム Rabi 実況プレイ動画 青鬼 字幕スーパー 英語字幕 sm9808903 chickens AoOni English