青鬼 鏡音レン ラジオ CoD:BO2 アイドルマスター2 ぬこ 女性実況 MHP2G ホラーゲーム 重音テト
Cosplay are not for fun
Click www.antiwc.net/group if you want to join the anti western cosplayers movement against the racist western cosplayers who are not only racist towards us Asians but who also ruin our Anime characters which hurt millions of our Anime fans.The psycho racist western cosplayers are trying to change the purpose of Cosplay by keep on saying that Cosplay are for fun with the intention to justify their wrong action of keep ruining our Anime, Manga and our other Asian characters which hurt millions of our Anime fans, also with intention to justify their racist action of impersonating us Asians through cosplaying our Anime, Manga and our other Asian characters which insult us Asians and insult our Asians Pride of our own Asians facial & body form.We Asians create Cosplay which now have become as one of the world's trends are with the purpose of to impersonate or to be the characters[ the person which known as cosplayers want to Cosplay.
投稿日:2012-04-07 03:08:49
アニメ Only Asian Can Cosplay のみ アジアの 缶 コスプレ Yuri