フリーゲーム 音ゲー STG マインクラフト 音MAD テイルズ RPG PS2 RPG ガンダム
Why western cosplayers are undesirable
Click www.antiwc.net/group if you want to join the anti western cosplayers movement against the racist western cosplayers who are not only racist towards us Asians but who also ruin our Anime characters which hurt millions of our Anime fans.The are 2 reasons why you racist western cosplayers are undesirable, unwanted, unattractive and anything else along those lines in the Anime Manga Cosplay world :1. Because you racist westerners not have the right facial & body formWe Asians made our Anime/Asian characters based on our own Asians facial & body form.2. Because you racist westerners aging too fastOther than making our Anime/Asian characters based on our own Asians facial & body form, we Asians also made our Anime characters based on our Asian's youthful appearance. On the other side, unlike us Asians who look more younger than our real age you racist westerners look more older than your real age.
投稿日:2012-04-09 11:03:50
VOCALOID Only Asian Can Cosplay のみ アジアの 缶 コスプレ アニメ