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【アマガク】Fallen Down【UTAUカバー】

Amagaku's upcoming reALISM bank is amazing, so Rave let me use it for this cover and her voice really suits it! Look forward to her update - also, hope you like the UST!| ■Original: sm11006725 | ■UST: http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/H/so/155700 (pass : fallen) | ■YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAdybCcNAfI | ■MP3: http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/Li/so/124806 | ■mylist/31630822

投稿日:2012-04-12 05:45:09
PV:242  コメ:0  マイリス:7

音楽 アマガク Fallen_Down(もちーべP) ust配布 UTAU海外組 VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 UTAU UTAU吸血鬼組