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Assassin's Creed Revelations (Original Soundtrack) Disc1

1.Assassin's Creed Theme #00:002.Animus Island #4:373.The Road to Masyaf #7:294.The Wounded Eagle #10:245.The Noose Tightens #12:186.Sailing to Constantinople #13:437.Master and Mentor #15:178.Welcome to Kostantiniyee #17:039.The Crossroads of the World #20:27 10.Sofia Sartor #23:5711.Son of Umar #24:4012.No Mistakes #26:0313.The Traitor #28:4714.A Heated Discussion #32:2115.Ambush #34:1016.A Familiar Face #37:17 17.Byzantium #38:4018.Nova Roma #41:5319.Templar Occupation #45:4820.Arrocco #49:2421.On the Attack #51:4922.Last of the Palaiologi #56:1023.Yerebatan Cistern #57:0624.Fight or Flight #58:5425.Galata Tower #61:3526.Die By the Blade #63:3927.Forum of Ox #66:4228.Suleiman's Grief #68:34

投稿日:2012-05-04 19:36:20
PV:853  コメ:7  マイリス:35

アサシンクリード リベレーション Assassin's_Creed Revelation Original_sound_track 作業用BGM サントラ 暗殺用BGM