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【UTAULOID】炉心融解-nitamagoMix-【Uotan Act 3】

http://www.nicovideo.jp.am/watch/sm17783746 Go give me a view it only takes a couple of seconds. I am trying to get 1000 views for a competition. Thank you-pants and gasps-This was SO friggen hard to mix.I wanna thank Veggy for making the lovely cover art for me, so quickly too!UST: Blazepyron (converted vcv)MP3: http://soundcloud.com/peachbite/nitamagomix-uotan-act-3VB DL: http://www.mediafire.com/3v93irbii311f9y

投稿日:2012-05-26 22:43:13
PV:56  コメ:2  マイリス:1

音楽 炉心融解 Uotan utauloid nitamagoMix UTAU VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 UTAU海外組 peachbite 魚短