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【UTAUカバー】全てのVOC@LOIDに宣戦布告【波音リツ・キレ音源 】

MP3 for HQ : http://www.mediafire.com/?65k96aec5ic0hel So I finnaly put a cover of that AMAZING cover of Ritsu on the internet. This voicebank is way too awesome to not be on my channel. It was so fun to work with the ust by the way... even though I don't remember who does the ust. If someone know who made it first. (But I've edit the ust like, really hard xD) So I just hope you'll like it. Please like, favorite, share, comment (L). And have a look to my other videos o/ (Is my english that bad today uhhh)

投稿日:2012-06-07 01:09:34
PV:1145  コメ:29  マイリス:26

VOCALOID UTAUカバー 全てのVOC@LOIDに宣戦布告 波音リツ・キレ音源 波音リツ 波音リツキレ音源 UTAU UTAU→UTAUカバー曲