音量注意 政治 描いてみた 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 大神 ニコカラ 遊戯王 バトレボ 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 零
【巡音ルカ、Clara】 Dear Myself 【オリジナル曲】
How long, my li'l children~ This time we've made a composition with Clara and Luka (what a new), but far away from my habitual stuff. The picture has been made by my dear partner and friend, May3, mixing both singers in one girl, dressed according to the summer time. I would have liked to make it completely in Japanese, but my current level does not allow me to do this, maybe in the near future or if someone wants to help me [please! ;___;(?)]. So, taking advantage of that tinker91 is bilingual, this time, without creating a precedent, the lyrics have been translated into both languages, so it can be understood by all! That said, welcome to the exciting (??) world of Dear Myself |Staff in description| -->twitter:HorizonsP (under construction) UPDATING INFO+MP3
投稿日:2012-07-15 02:55:30
VOCALOID vocaloidオリジナル曲 巡音ルカ 英語ルカ VOCALOID新曲リンク vocaloid3 海外PのVOCALOID CLARAオリジナル曲 ルカオリジナル曲 もっと評価されるべき