

人気タグ⇒ 作ってみた バイオハザード KAITO ミクオリジナル曲 LIVE ゆっくり実況プレイ 音量注意 字幕プレイ動画 おっさんホイホイ ゼルダの伝説 

Doshthrillenhyd - Think Tank Blast.WMV

A song describing the current state of horror made by the paraswhites. And how to destroy and break free from that current paraswhite order of missery that he has put on each and every city around the world. This songs describes a bit of how the massmedia is destroying the peoples minds. This is a power song that should be listened to while gearing upp for war. 44 Hestanfell.

投稿日:2012-10-07 05:57:03
PV:14  コメ:0  マイリス:0

doshthrillenhyd brunmakt mulattmusik svartmaktmusik