MUGENストーリー プロ野球 FPS STG ボカロオリジナルを演奏してみた PSP 戦場の絆 実況 高画質 VOCALOIDカバー曲
【UTAU】Nihao ★ Chugoku 【UTAUloid Trio】
Credits are all in the video.So, I kinda had this thing for the BTT (Bad Touch Trio) and my cousins were visiting and were all like "Isn't Haru a Spanish/Japanese UTAUloid?" and "Don't you have Prussian blood in you" then I'm like "Yeah." Eventually, we agreed on making Haru, Matheiu, and Keiko would be the UTAU BTT. I can definitely see Haru as the kind and sincere type and Keiko being all "I'm just being awesome" type. I don't know much about Matheiu though. Haru Shonta belongs to HaruVampire.Matheiu Rosaire belongs to Acorn (UTAUxyz).Keiko Arisu belongs to me.Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya.Note: I hope this is not offensive towards anyone or any Hetalia and/or UTAU users/fans. If this offends you, please send me a private message and we'll talk about it.
投稿日:2012-10-26 02:58:48
VOCALOID UTAU ションタ春 アリス・敬子