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6 things you can miss while reading a newspaper

ベルギーにある新聞社のCMです この新聞を読むと他が気にならなくなるってCMOn behalf of Newspaperswork, the marketing platform for all Belgian newspaper publishers, we gave three top advertisers a free ride in a chauffeur-driven car. So that, for once, they could read their newspaper in peace and quiet. And they kept on reading. Despite the fact that we provided more than enough to distract them....Do you want to know more about the power of newspapers? Surf tohttp://www.newspaperswork.be/転載元 http://youtu.be/e512_OxFWyM

投稿日:2013-01-12 21:40:33
PV:21  コメ:1  マイリス:0

エンターテイメント CM newspaper 新聞 ベルギー 報紙 外国