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【Gumi_ENG_V3 Trial】I ❤ POPCORN【VOCALOID semi-original】

Well, I call this semi-original 'cause I only made the lyrics. =u=I now how to make .ust work properly in VOCALOID. (changing it's dynamics to 100)I hope you like it and, if this video has 1000 views, I'll upload the VSQXs.================================Full credits in Youtube's ver: http://youtu.be/J3ACbinkaDw

投稿日:2013-02-09 20:22:59
PV:136  コメ:8  マイリス:3

VOCALOID Gumi_English I_❤_ポップコーン ポップコーン VOCALOID半オリジナル VOCALOIDアレンジ曲 海外PのVOCALOID GUMI popcorn