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【Koyorin】I TRIED DANCING Brainstorming【Day】

I am Hawaii's Koyorin~This is Morning Musume.'s Brainstorming☆ミThe Ayumin Rihoriho combat scene was really awesome(*O*)It was really difficult, but I tried to dance Ayumin's part~~~I'm sorry I'm unskilled(><);;; It's always the case, however, if it's alright with you,I would be happy if you could watch with kind eyes~(^^)I also have a night ver. so if you could watch it too, I'd be happy~【Night ver.】sm20341053♡ Mylist:mylist/34580908 ♡ Youtube: watch?v=SjGDGPSkyno0 ♡ Youtube Channel:Koyorin930 ♡ Blog:http://ameblo.jp/ribbon5ky/ ♡ Twitter:koyokoyorinrin ♡ 【Thank you】 Subscribers ♡ Mylists ♡ Comments ♡ Viewers Thank you so much~☆ミ

投稿日:2013-03-17 16:37:23
PV:788  コメ:17  マイリス:7

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