

人気タグ⇒ ゲーム音楽 PS2 対戦動画 GUMI これはひどい 日記 PS @BGM推奨 ニコニコ技術部 カラオケ 

Romantic Sentimental Guitar Music(Spanish Guitar Instrument)

It is the melody line which is Sentimental in Romantic very much.Ballroom dance video I'm incorporating as an image.Because a tempo of the music is fast, the dance video reproduces at 1.04 times.Therefore, the synchronization of music and dance video is not perfect.

投稿日:2013-04-07 00:53:48
PV:8  コメ:0  マイリス:1

音楽 RomanticGuitar SentimentalGuitar SpanishGuitar スパニッシュ・ギター ギター音楽