

人気タグ⇒ Minecraft 科学 鏡音リン VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 MMD バイク ボカロオリジナルを踊ってみた 高画質 ALL_PERFECT 出オチ 


UGH. 5 days of continuous work ; A ;This would have been a still picture if it wasn't for MonochromeAgent drawing the base picture and walking me through on how to animate with sony vegas. After that, it just went from there with me drawing the crappy background pictures :DDD.Anyway, credits are in the video. ENJOYT

投稿日:2013-05-10 02:01:28
PV:67  コメ:0  マイリス:3

UTAU 赤い靴のパレード