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One More Night(Una Noche Mas) もう1つの夜(The slide show of a Yasmin Levy picture)

Yasmin Levy is a female singer of Israel. Yasmin Levy is of Sephardic descent from the city of Izmir, Turkey. Her late father, Yitzhak (Isaac) Levy (1919–1977),was a composer and hazzan (cantor), as well as a pioneer researcher into the long and rich history of the Ladino music and culture of Spanish Jewry and its diaspora, being the editor of the Ladino language magazine Aki Yerushalayim.(From Wikipedia)

投稿日:2013-05-14 22:33:49
PV:6  コメ:0  マイリス:2

音楽 Una_Noche_Mas Yasmin_Levy Israel ポップス ラブ・ソング