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「P4U」Attack on Akihiko 「Akihiko Combo Movie」

I created another combo video! Hope that you guys enjoy. I tried to recreate the Shingeki no Kyojin opening while still having it as a combo video so I hope you have fun with it!You can also follow me on twitter @superscience890

投稿日:2013-06-16 02:30:59
PV:2989  コメ:33  マイリス:111

ゲーム 進撃の巨人 P4U 真田明彦(P4U) P4Uコンボ集 紅蓮の弓矢 鎧の巨人 進撃の真田 紅蓮のカエサル 衝撃のラスト