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The Willow Maid - original song by Erutan (katethegreat19)

'The Willow Maid' music and lyrics by Erutan (katethegreat19) All vocals and instruments performed by myself. From my debut original album, 'Raindancer' ^_^/ The lyrics are inspired by mythology surrounding tree sprites/spirits. I drew the art for the video to tell the story ^o^/ Thank you very much for listening! @.@

投稿日:2013-06-20 05:58:56
PV:467  コメ:19  マイリス:58

音楽 投稿者コメント katethegreat19 Erutan ニコニコインディーズ NNIオリジナル曲 癒し曲リンク ニコニコ休憩所 NNI民族調曲 翻訳希望