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【Tonio and Gumi English】Vocaloid Killed the Radio Star【VOCALOIDカバー曲】
Here's my take on covering the Buggles' song "Video Killed the Radio Star". And I made an MMD animation to go with it.Tonio rendered by HightowerCredits:cute red bedroom by_amiamy111BedroomScenery by fullm8n & Shiruhaneyuki by nukudedvd box by mbarnesmmd (reskinned by me)Tonio by Pikadude31451mic and stand: CrazedVampireGirlipod: k-chan619Sweet Ann: KasugaKaoruAnother sweet ann: sabotenmayu: sabotenOliver by KemiliaGumi: mamamaMMD effects by beammanjustin bieber by piggy jones in sketchup (converted by me)hd headphones: rileyboudreaujuliet lollipop chainsaw: aittelaxe: the horrible musakura stage by amiamy111Len: Redstone, M2gzb, Animasa, OrangeBoxpiko: TwilightAnimeLifegachapoid: aoi tatsuikeHappySynthetiser: kerokero598gasai yuno by majikaru rinmiku: animasammd_project_p4_computer_table by brsawonderfull skydome pack by kaahgomepiano: (I can't remember where I got this. If this is yours, tell me immediately.)
投稿日:2013-07-05 14:41:38
VOCALOID TONIO GUMI GUMI_English VOCALOIDカバー曲 MikuMikuDance Video_Killed_the_Radio_Star VOCALOID外国語曲リンク ボカロ洋楽カバー 海外PのVOCALOID