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[ポケモンXY] Pokémon X and Pokémon Y- Honedge Revealed!

Mr. Masuda has a message for attendees of the Japan Expo in France about Pokémon X and Pokémon Y...and a new Pokémon to reveal!Watch the latest gameplay footage from Pokémon X and Pokémon Y! Discover the new Fairy type, meet Noivern and Vivillon, and check out all-new Pokémon game features! Learn more at the official site: http://bit.ly/1928gTR

投稿日:2013-07-09 12:22:45
PV:687  コメ:22  マイリス:5

ゲーム ポケモン ポケモンXY 3DS ヒトツキ