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Subtitled raw audio of #TaroAso's Nazi comment with English sub

A section of raw audio recording of Japan's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister TARO ASO's speech addressing the "Nazi Constitution" delivered at the JINF Regular July Monthly Session on "Revival of Japan" hosted by the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals on 29 July 2013 in Tokyo.JINF Website: http://en.jinf.jp/Entire remark* (Asahi): http://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/politics/AJ201308010068*Not a word-by-word dictation and/or translation.-----Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCDW5W8Bt1o

投稿日:2013-08-02 17:11:59
PV:1067  コメ:58  マイリス:10

政治 麻生太郎 ナチス 「喧噪の中で決めないでほしい」 ナチス発言 報道テロ 共同通信に電凸推奨 「誤報」だったと記載するまで終われない これが誤報と記載ないなら、何でも捏造可能 ISO26000事案