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The mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot was the first person to use a computer to visualize the behaviour of a dynamic system. In 1975 he introduced the word "fractal" (from the Latin "fractus, broken") to denote objects with fractional dimension. His scientific research built the foundation of fractal geometry.This film is based on the exhibition "Seduction" and it blends computer generated images from the Mandelbrot set with digital photographs from the real life.No software, hardware or mathematical formulae were harmed during the production of this film.HQ original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGxbhdr3w2IContact me at: yamabiko@abv.bg

投稿日:2013-12-08 07:12:13
PV:100  コメ:2  マイリス:0

幾何学 フラクタル マンデルブロー集合