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【UTAUカバー】Yami ga Hirogaru (Elisabeth)【Matsudappoiyo & Keine Ron】

Elisabeth is one of my favorite musicals ever, and this song is still just as amazing as it was when I heard it four years ago. Though I'm so used to the German version, it's still odd to hear the Japanese lyrics.This has been uploaded on YT for a while but I figured it couldn't hurt to share it here too.(Also, I fixed the tiny lyric mistake in the first line of the UST.)UST: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8lgg2al968wuu9q/Die+Schatten+Werden+Langer+UST.zipYT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_HFWSxekmU

投稿日:2014-04-17 03:33:03
PV:191  コメ:1  マイリス:4

VOCALOID UTAUカバー 闇が広がる 松田っぽいよ 京音ロン UST配布 UTAU UTAUカバー曲