

人気タグ⇒ らき☆すた 政治 ダークソウル メタル 音量注意 VOCALOIDカバー曲 三国志大戦 旅行 女性実況 スパロボ 

『Glass Wall』を歌ってみた【Kenji-B】

Original: Music, Lyrics: GuitarHeroPianoZero (user/25668948) Vocal, mix, master, encode: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (mylist/33051574) mp3: https://app.box.com/s/uyqvcdnm5h99bihxti99 ---------Good evening! This is Kenji-B!I would like to congratulate GHPZ for "Glass Wall"'s appearance at Lady Gaga's ARTPOP Ball on May 6th with this cover. I'm so jealous, haha. But it's all good fun. I'm so proud! I hope you all enjoy my performance!

投稿日:2014-05-07 14:25:15
PV:224  コメ:42  マイリス:7

歌ってみた nostraightanswer_(Kenji-B) cover English Glass_Wall GHPZ を歌ってみた Kenji-B Vocaloid