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リア充ってこんなもんだっけfeat.ディスクン星人 (Short Version) 踊ってみた

Hello!!! Here is another dance to a Hyadain song. I love Hyadain's music and I really like this song so I made a dance. This is a short version that I edited in Audacity, I was going to dance to this on stage but my plans for two conventions switched, so I will be dancing to the FULL song at a cosplay convention next month on June 14th! My friend will record it and I will upload it here! I hope this video is okay, I failed a little bit because my garden is small and I nearly walked into the fence OTL こんにちは!私はヒャダインの音楽が好きなので、私はこの曲を私自身のダンスを作ったよ!私の悪い日本語すみません。私は何も知らない。Googleの翻訳はひどいですwwww。私は、あなたがビデオを好き願っています。私は来月、ステージ上の全体曲に踊ります!

投稿日:2014-05-17 07:21:03
PV:365  コメ:5  マイリス:1

踊ってみた リア充ってこんなもんだっけ Emmma360