

人気タグ⇒ テイルズ ベース VOCALOIDカバー曲  カラオケ MAD フィギュアスケート ニコニコ動画講座 レトロゲーム @BGM推奨 

【自宅録】Night Rider

Don't know how to type japanese...can I use english?(笑) It's the first time I post on nico, not sure whether i'm posting it right?!This song is from my favorite guitar player 【海賊王】!~! I always hope to have a chance to communicate with him, does he has a public mailbox for communicating with fans?Actually, I posted this video on 2011-08-10,at this website:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkzMzgxMDg4.htmlI figured out all the notes by watching his video and listening to the mp3 within a week, because it's so passionate, I can't even stop!(Actually in those days, I was having classes during the day, and only have time learning it at midnight = =...) Though I know there's some errors by now 233~BTW, my guitar only have 21 frets, so I have to do bendings when I met the notes on 22th fret...I don't have the wah-wah pedal at that time too, so the wah-wah may seems weird = =...Anyway, thank you for watching~ Wish 海賊王 has a smooth music career in the future~

投稿日:2014-09-17 12:27:18
PV:132  コメ:2  マイリス:0

演奏してみた 海賊王 NightRider 自宅録