

人気タグ⇒ もっと評価されるべき 麻雀 大神 動物 CoD ニコニコ技術部 ボカロオリジナルを歌ってみた 作業用BGM ボーダーブレイク外部出力 


GUMI/LUKAtrance coreLuminous Infrared Galaxies or (LIRG's) are galaxies with luminosities, the measurement of brightness, above 1011 L☉. LIRG's are more abundant than Starburst galaxies, Seyfert galaxies and Quasi-stellar objects at comparable luminosity. Infrared galaxies emit more energy in the infrared than at all other wavelengths combined. An LIRG's luminosity is 100 billion times that of our sun.Galaxies with luminosities above 1012 L☉, are Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRG's). Many of the LIRG's and ULIRG's are showing interactions and disruptions. Many of these type of galaxies spawn about 100 new stars a year as compared to ours which spawn one a year, this creates the high level of luminosity.sm21694028

投稿日:2014-09-28 19:39:35
PV:222  コメ:5  マイリス:8

VOCALOID GUMI 巡音ルカ こじろ VOCALOIDオリジナル曲 GUMIオリジナル曲 ルカオリジナル曲