

人気タグ⇒ beatmania VOCALOID アトラス @BGM推奨 重音テト MHP2G 大神 弾いてみた MUGENストーリー 東方 

The Masafumi Takada Mixtape - Music Video

= 22 Tracks, 7 Albums, 7 Minutes == Overall BPM: 140 =This tribute mixtape features songs taken from seven different soundtracks (all of which Masafumi Takada worked on) and mixes them all down to one seamless, exhilarating seven-minute soundscape. This was mainly produced to celebrate the recent Japanese release of "Absolute Despair Girls: Danganronpa Another Episode" for the PlayStation Vita.To listen to and/or download* the mixtape on Soundcloud, please click on the link below:https://soundcloud.com/jordan-dean-ezekude/the-masafumi-takada-mixtape* This mixtape will be available for download in MP3 form until January 31st 2015---Please support Masafumi Takada by purchasing his music (i.e. the soundtracks for Danganronpa 1&2) on Amazon and/or iTunes!

投稿日:2015-01-11 07:15:29
PV:205  コメ:1  マイリス:5

音楽 マッシュアップ 高田雅史 ダンガンロンパ シルバー事件 ノーモアヒーローズ Killer7 花と太陽と雨と