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(新曲)Serenity in Murder - Malefic Religion in Our Abyss

from "The Highest of Dystopia"The First Frisson of the World → sm23356283Requiem → sm23380838Defenders of the Faith → sm23400132Horn of Ending → sm23424206The Tragedy → sm23446339Defamiliarization → sm23468444The Holocaust to Dead Line → sm23493948Infact Bellum → sm23516798In Hell of Heaven → sm23540538Noticed This Is the Betrayal → sm25842771All Behind You Are Enemies → sm25850491Hurt of Virtue → sm25872787Martyr for an Age → sm25896104Nocturnal Damned → sm25931032

投稿日:2015-04-06 20:00:00
PV:11  コメ:0  マイリス:0

音楽 Malefic_Religion_in_Our_Abyss Serenity_in_Murder The_Highest_of_Dystopia シンフォニックデスメタル ジャパメタ