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TAS NES Battle of Olympus (USA) in 10:40.78 by Mário de Almeida Azevedo Junior (aka. FODA).

from TASvideo.orgThe Battle of Olympus (オリュンポスの戦い) is set in ancient Greece. A mortal man named Orpheus receives help from the gods and nymphs in his quest to save his lover Helene from Hades. People often compare this game with Zelda 2 because of its similar gameplay. This movie is 9:11 faster than Arc's version, mostly because of the utilization of a gameplay-altering glitch: pressing Left+Right simultaneously in order to make Orpheus move with almost unlimited velocity growth. The trick is documented at Battle of Olympus Tricks.

投稿日:2009-06-03 15:02:17
PV:1931  コメ:190  マイリス:8

ゲーム TAS ムーンウォーク 動体視力養成動画 オリュンポスの戦い ラスボスは透明人間 ベルトコンベア リ○クの冒険 鼻から牛乳 デスルーラ