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TAS SNES Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (USA) in 1:49:20.0 2/6

1/6 -> sm7236487 3/6 -> sm7238580 from TASvideo.org by Paul Acito (aka. DonamerDragon). Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is a short RPG game that is very different from the Final Fantasy games that came before and after it. This is the third TAS movie of this game, now 8 minutes faster than the previous run by the same author. We recommend reading the author's comments for information about this run. Japanese title「ファイナルファンタジーUSAミスティッククエスト」

投稿日:2009-06-03 20:05:04
PV:4776  コメ:241  マイリス:10

ゲーム TAS 早寝早起き イカ祭り 満身創痍 ミスティッククエスト