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戦国無双 全セリフ(?)Part 3

Part 3 - 戦中セリフ(他のもあるかもしれません…?)   Part 2←sm7193821   Part 4→sm7317737   Directly extracted from PS2 disc. Therefore:  1. There are problems in playing some files (e.g. cannot be played/different pitch and speed) due to different interleave.   2. Same file might appear more than once.   3. Order of some files are wrong.    mylist/5302048

投稿日:2009-06-06 00:46:05
PV:957  コメ:14  マイリス:7

ゲーム 戦国無双 戦国無双まとめ セリフ集 阿国