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【VOCALOID+UTAU】 Lahing Pinoy (Preview Version) 【外音リザ & 地ク音ケンタ】

Here's a preview of my current project, Lahing Pinoy by Manny Pacquiao. It will be sung by Riza Sotone and Kenta Chikune. It will feature the voices of other Vocaloids and UTAUloids. This video was supposed to be released this June 12, but several technical issues didn't make that possible. The final version should come soon. Production details may be viewed in http://oherman.iiichan.net/miku/res/3966.html

投稿日:2009-06-13 01:52:06
PV:225  コメ:14  マイリス:2

音楽 @BGM推奨 VOCALOID UTAU OPM 外音リザ 地ク音ケンタ 地区音ケンタ 初音ミク